Fresh Water World

Mike Van Hale

The first day of competition, game fish day, started just like stripper day finished – had a nice size stripper pull off on stripper day and an easy 10 lb. + drum pull off on game fish day. Probably the biggest drum I’d seen all week. From 8:00 am until...

Wesly Stewart

I was out scouting for Matt and Courtney and we felt like another boat was following us to get our spots. Mike and Don later told me that they were following us to make sure it was me on the boat to ask if I would take Don’s spot on...

Kenny Western

Freshwater World’s was an opportunity of a lifetime and even better I was diving with my daughter Maya. She qualified for a spot in Worlds and invited me, knowing that I would pay for the trip. We came with a plan to scout on Striper day with our boat guide...

Maya Western

The 2021 World Freshwater Spearfishing Competition was an incredible experience. I was so stoked when I found out I qualified for Freshwater Worlds. I competed with my Dad, and I was fortunate enough to have my whole family come to support us. Our scouting days were really limited and rough....

Anne Doherty

I have had the privilege of having Brandi as a dive partner since the first Women’s CMAS World Meet in Iquique, Chile in 2004. We dove WFSC New Zealand in 2019, 2 national freshwater meets, and now WFSC Beaver Lake, Arkansas. Happily, and finally, it is nice to see more...